
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
The Size of the Matter - Talking Size w/ Wanderlust Swingers & SoloSwingin
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
Is size everything? Is it all about male genitalia?
We talk size & all things being self conscious about it on this week's Casual Swinger!

Monday Jun 27, 2022
Monday Jun 27, 2022
Why is it so damned hard to accept a compliment. It's not a gender thing, a professional thing, or even a LIFESTYLE thing. Taking a compliment is WAY harder than it is to give one...but we have to ask?
Why don't we believe the people in our tribe when they tell us the things we HOPE others believe about us? What's it gonna take?
We examine this and more with our friend "The Alabaster Scrotum" in this latest episode of Casual Swinger!
Also: Podcast-A-Palooza and the Casual Cocktail, along with Whiskey of the Month!
Whiskey of the Month on Total Wine

Sunday May 22, 2022
The ”Breast” Episode Ever w/ Dr. David Plank
Sunday May 22, 2022
Sunday May 22, 2022
Upgrading the twins is a tough decision that we agonized over for months, meeting with doctor after doctor...we told you all about it in our episode, "Thanks for the Mammaries." It was a tough go until we met Dr. David Plank from Mid-Florida Plastic Surgery, then everything changed.
Find out in his own words why his approach is different from many other surgeons in the area and why we enjoyed him so much. Also, why don't doctors have more personality? What happened to Michael Jackson's nose? When should you say when its too much plastic surgery?
Also, The Casual Cocktail, Podcast-A-Palooza, Naughty in Nawlins, and more in this week's Casual Swinger!
The Casual Cocktail - Join us for a mixology party like no other!
Dr. David Plank - Guess Mallory's hoots!
Whiskey of the Month - Michter's US1 Rye

Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022
We sat down with the amazing Paige & Penn from the long running adult lifestyle podcast, "The Swinger Diaries," where we found out all about what those amazing people have been doing for the last year since they ended their podcast careers and started flying around the country!
Join us as we broadcast from the mountains of Tennessee (and endured a failed board that crushed our audio quality!) and laughed the weekend away with the likes of Average Swingers, Sapphic Swingers, and of course our friends, The Swinger Diaries!
Naughty in Nawlins - Wanderlust's Code

Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
The Red Zone - Nature’s Answer to Your Carefully Laid Plans
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Ever spend months planning the perfect outing with your lifestyle friends only to have to reschedule, replan, or completely rework your plans because of your (or your wife's) menstrual cycle?
The reality of "the best laid plans" is that we aren't in control. Hear about some of the disasters, the ridicule, or the challenges we've encountered along the way as we navigate the lifestyle while being human...and not without our faults.
Also, ever wondered what they call "that time of the month" in other countries? Hear some of our favorite euphemisms for "The Red Zone" on this week's Casual Swinger!
BONUS! It's time for WHISKEY OF THE MONTH! Hang around til the end and find out which whiskey won us over with its amazing story this week!
The Rose Vibrator on Casual Toys
Euphemisms for Period by Language
Whiskey of The Month on Total Wine

Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Slap Happy - Sexuality Isn’t A Joke...So Why Is It?
Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Sunday Apr 10, 2022
"The slap heard around the world" happened when actor Will Smith charged the stage at the 2022 Oscars and slapped the hired emcee of the event, Chris Rock, in response to a joke he found distasteful regarding his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith.
Regardless of what you think about his assault on Chris Rock, the aftermath of this interaction is undeniable. The steady stream of memes, jokes, and water cooler conversation happening around America undoubtedly makes the sexuality of the Smiths part of the referendum on Will Smith's behavior.
Join Mickey & Mallory as we dig in on our own personal experiences with some of these jokes, how they made us feel, and how we think these things should be handled moving forward.
Also, more on Podcast-A-Palooza, 30 Days of Lingerie, and a Mallory's Toybox segment on one of our favorite brands, Noir Handmade!
Huffington Post on Masturbating Man

Monday Mar 28, 2022
The (Wo)Man in the Mirror - A Confidence Crisis
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Monday Mar 28, 2022
This follow on to our episode on "The Imposter Syndrome," digs in deeper on the crisis of confidence we sometimes feel and the "quicksand" that occurs when we start to flail. Join us as we open up a bit on our own confidence crisis and sit back and have a long look at the man & woman in the mirror...trying to get to the truth of why we feel the way we do...and how to overcome it.
#Spoiler - all it takes is one great experience to turn things around!
We also catch up on all things Podcast-A-Palooza, Casual Toys, Unique Condoms*, and of course...the MARCH 2022 Whiskey of the Month!

Monday Mar 14, 2022
WTFebruary & The Imposter Syndrome
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
"Am I a swinger?"
"Do I belong here?"
"Am I DOING it wrong?"
We all ask ourselves questions that speak to the "Imposter Syndrome," and yes...even us. Sometimes you just don't feel like you're "doing it right," for reasons that are often out of our own control. Dont' give into fear or peer pressure...join us on this weeks LONG overdue Casual Swinger where we tell you what happened that caused a huge lull in our podcast (most unexpected...COVID! ) and hear us talk about something near and dear to what's been dragging Mickey down for weeks.
Also, Podcast-A-Palooza, Von Payne Whiskey, and of course FEBRUARY's #Whiskeyofthemonth are all in this NEW Casual Swinger!

Monday Jan 24, 2022
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Over the last decade, the American whiskey market has seen rocketing sales with bourbon production alone growing by 150% and the number of craft distilleries increasing five fold. US exports of bourbon exceeded 1 billion for the first time and 2013, with that trend increasing year over year ever since.
Ingrid Rodriguez, Whistle Pig* Whiskey's own "Traveling Whiskey Fairy" joined us IN STUDIO to talk about her amazing brand, the whiskey craze in America, and demystifies some of the marketing terms on the bottles we see every day in the liquor store.
Join us this week to get yourself "learned up" on whiskey and the AMAZING Whistle Pig Whiskey brand!
Liberator Bedroom Adventure Gear

Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Mission “Impossible” - The Struggle of the Married Guy in Open Relationships
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Let's face it. When it comes to open relationships, the girls hold ALL the cards. (Especially hotwives!)
As if it wasn't bad enough as a single guy looking for love, once you're a MARRIED guy looking for fun you're tossed in with every bad experience a girl has EVER had in her dating life...and the odds are NOT stacked in your favor.
We talk about this frustrating experience for many guys from the Mickey's perspective when he was in an open marriage and dating, with some tips about how to help yourself be more successful as you navigate these treacherous and challenging waters.
Be prepared, not everyone is going to agree with everything we say here, and we didn't even cover ALL* of it. Get ready for the challenge of a lifetime...Mission Impossible - The Struggle of the Married Guy in an Open Relationship!